Robdog Snoopcat's Blog

Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Facts About George W. Bush's Economic Record

Can you guess what year the tax cuts were passed?

As each year passes, the rates drop a bit more.  A
GDP of 3.0 or higher is considered a solid economy.
We've been humming along quite well for almost
3 years now in spite of the war.

Economic Growth Rates

2001    2002    2003    2004    2005  Q1  Q2   Q3
 0.8      1.9     3.0    4.5             3.8  3.3  3.8
Low Taxes = High Economic Growth
Ever wonder why these things aren't mentioned
in the news media anywhere but

How can gross income to the treasury go up as
more and more of the tax cut is implemented?

See the economic growth numbers above.  Every time
a dollar is turned over (i.e. spent), taxes are collected.
Even though the percentage of the tax is smaller, you
are collecting the smaller percentage more times.

Treasury Data

$ Billions of Dollars                   2001    2002    2003    2004    2005

Tax Receipts To The Treasury            1,991   1,853   1,782   1,880   2,154          
Government Spending                     1,863   2,011   2,160   2,293   2,473

Why is spending going out of control?

Why does the media constantly allow Liberal politicians
to make the case that tax cuts will hurt the poor by
taking money away from them?  Do they not
see the same numbers you see now?  Have they
not seen similar results when John F. Kennedy and
Ronald Reagan instituted large tax cuts?

If the media is reading the same numbers you are,
are they trying to influence your opinion towards Liberalism
or just reporting the facts?  You make the call...

See:  Medicare/Medicaid and Defense

We've got to slow the growth in these areas and
spend more wisely.  George W. Bush gets an F
for controlling spending, an F for fixing Social Security
(he flopped on his solid proposal), and a B for cutting taxes.

You are either a conservative or your not.  George W. Bush
is a wannabe conservative.  The Republicans in Congress
are even worse.  This is why I've stopped donating money
the RNC.  Show me a real conservative and I'll start
writing the checks again.


Straight from the Congressional Budget Office


  • 3rd quarter 2005 U.S. GDP revised up to 4.3.

    That nasty George W. Bush and his tax cuts are helping to drive a strong economy. How dare he?,2933,177126,00.html

    By Blogger Robbe Morris, at 9:18 AM  

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