Robdog Snoopcat's Blog

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Charter schools and education vouchers

A few decades ago, blacks argued against
separate but equal schools. They won
the right to attend the same schools
as whites (and rightly so).

I find it ironic that the very same black
community now consistently votes for Liberals
who are against school vouchers for failing

These failing schools are typically run
by teachers and administrators with
tenure. They are virtually untouchable
regardless of their commitment to success
or competency. Strikingly similar
to the power structure of communist

The average amount per student spent
is over $5000 per year. In a class
of 30 students, that's over $150,000
a year. Most teachers make less
than $50,000 a year (many much less).

Where does the other $100,000 go?

Taxation without representation? In
an odd way, I say yes!

The battle over education is a win
for politicians who need an issue to
run on, a win for teachers and administrators
who will never be held accountable, and
a win for big government.

Who loses?

The little second grade black kid who
gets to come back next year and get
cheated out of a good education all
over again.

Who is to blame?


They have repeatedly snubbed their nose
at a chance for a better education for
their children. They just can't bring
themselves to vote for someone with
an "R" next to their name on the ballot.

Show the same guts as the original civil
rights activists and fight for what
is right rather than just getting even.

Today you follow the Liberal train
to mediocrecy.

Tomorrow, you should lead.


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