Robdog Snoopcat's Blog

Friday, December 16, 2005

America You Made Me Smile Today

Just thought I'd shared a little tidbit that
happened today.

I was on my way to deliver a sizable number
of stereos, cd players, dvd players, basketballs,
and footballs to Toy's for Tots. Woke up this
morning and listened to a U.S. Marine ask for
assistance in meeting their goals for the
age group 10-12. They were real short.

The armed forces do so much for us that I
couldn't let the day go by without pitching in
especially with business having been so strong this

What really made my day was that the parking
lot in front of the warehouse for Toys for Tots
was just full of people. Most of these folks
got out of cars that were on their last leg,
dressed in grubby clothes, and hassling with their

Yet, each of them had their hands full of toys
for those they felt were less fortunate than

I would have pegged many of these folks as
being on the receiving end rather than the
giving. I had always been taught not to
judge people by the money they have, the
homes they live in, or the cars they drive.
It is how one lives their life that counts.

Today, I received a reminder of just who
Americans really are...

And it made me smile.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

John F. Kerry Slams U.S. Troops In Iraq

I read Unfit for Command with an open mind
during the 2004 election. I expected the
Swift Boat guys to take a little liberty
with the truth.

Aside from their story, I found the FBI
documents about his traitorous activities
with the North Vietnamese astounding and
a little hard to believe.

Perhaps, this is just who the guy is.

Doesn't this sound incredibly similar to
the B.S. he was spouting off about Vietnam?
He was lying then. Is he lying now?

I look forward to him naming names of U.S.
servicemen and women who perpetrated this
stuff. That said, why would it then be O.K.
for Iraqi's to do the same thing.

This guy is incredible...

Partial transcript with Bob Sheiffer of CBS
early December 2005 regarding U.S. troops:

Bob Schieffer says, "Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman
of Connecticut, he takes a very different view,
Senator Kerry. He says basically that we should
stay the course, because he says real progress
is being made. He says, 'This is a war between
27 million Iraqis who want freedom and 10,000
terrorists.' He says we're in a watershed
transformation. What about that?"

JOHN KERRY: I don't agree with that.
But I think what we need to do is recognize
what we all agree on, which is, you've got
to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment;
you've got to begin to transfer authority to
the Iraqis, and there is no reason, Bob, that
young American soldiers need to be going into
the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children, you know,
women, breaking sort of the customs of
the -- of -- of -- of -- historical customs,
religious customs, whether you like it or not.

Iraqis should be doing that. And after all
of these two and a half years, with all
of the talk of 210,000 people trained,
there just is no excuse for not transferring
more of that authority.