Robdog Snoopcat's Blog

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Republicans Lose Majority - If you don't lead, they won't follow

It wasn't the liberal media's fault.

It wasn't the liberal democrat's fault.

It wasn't even the morons that voted for the
liberal democrats fault. And yes, you
are morons.

The blame lies solely with the Republican
leadership and President Bush.

If you don't lead, they won't follow.

And... They didn't.

How many times can you pledge to cut
spending and don't?

How many times can you pledge to reform
Congress and don't?

How many times can you pledge serious
tax cuts and changes in tax law and
not get it done?

How many speaches on winning the war
on terror can you give and we still
haven't contained the situation in Iraq?

How many speaches on reforming social
security can you give and yet in 2006
the program is unchanged.

The country needed more than speeches
and promises that were only partially
kept. The country doesn't need you
to "fight" for progress, we needed them
to "make" progress.

The country needs leaders.

We didn't have any on Monday and we
still don't have any on Wednesday.

I'm tired of voting for the lesser
of two evils...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

2006 November Elections

I really just have one question before I summarize
what has been accomplished under Republican

What is the liberal democratic plan for bringing
a lasting peace to Iraq?

I've heard how they are going to be smarter.

Do they mean smarter in the same way Clinton
got snuckered with the North Koreans?

I've heard how they are going to talk to our

What exactly would they say or offer that hasn't
already been said or offered? Is it just their
charm that will suddenly cause them to change
their minds?

Aside from Iraq. Here's what has

1. Economy booming for 3 straight years
after the Bush tax cuts

2. No additional terrorist attacks
on American soil.

3. Stock market booming. Have
you looked at your 401k lately?

4. The seniors have a popular
welfare benefit in the form
of prescription drugs

5. Housing market boom due to a
fantastic economy. Just
how much cash did you pocket
over the last couple years?

6. Treasury receipts are way up
because of the booming economy.

7. Illegal Immigration. You
forced Congress and the President
to build the fence. It is only
a start but it is definitely
in the right direction.

8. Judge Alito and Roberts. Need
I say more.

Think long and hard about the prospect of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid running Congress. I know the Vietnam vets remember what it was like not to have Congress stand behind you while the slugs are wissing by your ears on the battlefield.