Robdog Snoopcat's Blog

Friday, September 28, 2007

Hillary Clinto and her $5000 baby bond

Only a liberal would make a comment like this representative

I think it's a wonderful idea," said Rep. Stephanie
Stubbs Jones, an Ohio Democrat who attended the
event and has already endorsed Clinton. "Every child
born in the United States today owes $27,000 on
the national debt, why not let them come get $5,000
to grow until their 18?"

Wouldn't this equal oweing $32,000 total but
be allowed to take $5,000 from someone else
today to invest for yourself only to permit
someone else to take it from you again after
you've paid it back in the future?


This sounds like that guy in Popeye always
offering to pay for a hamburger on Tuesday
if we gave it to him today.

You can just about bet that $5,000 would have
to stay in a government controlled account
during that 18 years. You can also expect
ammendments to the law allowing early withdraw
if you meet whatever the "flavor of the month"
interest group criteria.

God help us all when she gets elected...


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