Robdog Snoopcat's Blog

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

George W. Bush slams robdog on immigration

Taken from this article:

"If you want to scare the American people,
what you say is the bill's an amnesty bill,"
Mr. Bush said this afternoon at a training center
for border enforcement agents located in this town
in Georgia's southeastern corner. "That's empty political
rhetoric, trying to frighten our citizens."

No Mr. President, it isn't empty rhetoric it is an accurate
description of the bill you support. And you are right,
amnesty scares the daylights out of me. I voted for you
because I thought you were a conservative and would do
everything in your power to enforce the law. You
aren't and you don't...

"People in Congress need the courage to go back
to their districts and explain exactly what this
bill is all about," Mr. Bush said. "The fundamental
question is, will elected officials have the courage
necessary to put a comprehensive immigration plan
in place that makes it more likely we can enforce
our border and, at the same time, uphold the great
traditions of —— immigrant traditions of the United
States of America."

That's just it Mr. President. We know what is in
the bill and are raising hell about it. You are
dead wrong on this issue and virtually every true
conservative knows it. The phones ringing off the
wall aren't giving you a clue?

More likely we can enforce our border? Are you
f'ing kidding me? "You" can enforce the border but
"you" choose not to. Since when is breaking the law
an "immigrant tradition" in the United States?

With every word that comes out of your mouth,
the less I trust you. The irony is that I was
furious with the left wing nut jobs for wanting to impeach
you. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe they had the
right idea for the wrong reason.

A President of the United States refusing to
protect our borders. This is stunning...


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