President Bush's Border Security Plan Is Weak
Listened to his speech last night on Fox News.
While I'm incredibly disappointed with his lack
of desire to secure our borders, I'm not surprised.
His plan for adding a few thousand national guardsmen
temporarily while a match of that number comes online
is nowhere near enough resources to effectively secure
the border. I know that, you know that, and so does
George W. Bush.
Just how stupid does he think we are?
What, do we owe him and the party allegiance
just because they'd got a little (R) next to their
name on the ballot?
I've grown weary of having my vote taken for granted
by Republicans. After last night's speech, you
can bet the RNC will "never" receive another dime
from me. In fact, I'm borderline ready to switch
over to the Libertarian party permanently and leave
these "conservatives in name only" for good.
Up until now, I never understood how a good conservative
just stay home and not vote at all. I can't believe
I'm saying this but I may do just that in November.
I've had it...
Ever wonder why the Republican party does bend over
backwards fighting for what the base wants like those
liberal nutcases do on the Democratic side?
Why is border security so important? It won't stop the terrorists and will only make it harder for Mexicans to cross the border.
While it could seem worth while to keep the Mexicans out, it will cost the US money in two ways;
- the cost of keeping huge partols at the border
- the loss of using cheap labour
I suspect Bush knows this and only try to stay vigilant because the Republican party thinks it wins votes. I think Bush and administration is smarter and don't really want to keep cheap, exploitable labour out of the country.
Anonymous, at 4:38 AM
The same reason people put fences around their yard. We don't want unwanted visitors coming in uninvited.
We have laws. People are breaking them. The fence is to enforce those laws. If we opt to create a program to bring in and manage a few guest workers, so be it. We are inviting them in that case.
Terrorism or not, we need to build an effective wall and enforcement mechanism.
Robbe Morris, at 6:12 AM
The border states are having all sorts of problems due to illegal immigration and a failure to deal with the "dynamics" other than cheap labor.
One simple example is that emergency rooms are being shut down because they are being overrun with non-taxpaying, illegal immigrants looking for, ahem... actually demanding free medical treatment at no cost to them. This and many other resources are being stretched to the limit to deal with the other side of this issue.
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM
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