Prophet Mohammad with a bomb in his turbin cartoon
"Many" Muslims protest when you draw a cartoon
lampooning their religion. In fact, many
of them go absolutely nuts over it and start
bombing buildings and killing people.
They don't protest when those who supposedly best
represent the Muslim religion kill, kidnap, imprison,
and oppress their fellow Muslims. It is also
ok to lampoon other religions. In fact, it
is flat out ok to murder those who aren't
Muslim. Ask the Jews and a few Christians
from the towers.
Do you recall seeing a Muslim protest in the United
States against Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Hamas,
Islamic Jihad, or the Taliban?
Certain morons in Europe publish a few
cartoons and now you are throwing a fit?
I've always said that you can't rationalize
with those who are irrational.
This is just one more instance that proves
my point.
All that said, the notion of lampooning
a religion shows a complete lack of "class".
In this case, being European just isn't a valid
excuse. After thousands of years of on
and off again wars with Muslims, you'd think
they'd get the hint.
There are all sorts of ways to make fun
of these murderous morons without bringing
religion into the mix. Why purposely insult
several million innocent followers when you
want to tick off a a hundred thousand or
so who aren't so innocent?
The old two wrongs don't make a right still
holds true.
Now, the Europeans are just egging them on.
The United States is in the middle of a war
where we are attempting to isolate these goons
from other Muslims. This kinda childish crap
from Europe isn't helping matters.
On a side note, my reference to Europe largely
excludes the Brits and former Soviet bloc
countries. And yes, I realize you are
providing much needed assistance in this war.
We appreciate it...
Just because you "can" say something doesn't necessarily mean you should.
Yes, you are free to say whatever you want. That, however, doesn't absolve you of the consequences of what you say.
As an American, I can tell you that I haven't lost any of my freedoms. I can say what I want and do what I want.
Can you name a right or freedom that I've lost that has any impact on my day to day life?
By Robbe Morris, at 9:08 AM
And, noone buys that publishing those cartoons wasn't intended to slap the face of every muslim.
"Proving a point about freedom of speech". Please...
Apparently, most muslims missed the point. I can understand why.
By Robbe Morris, at 9:11 AM
Although I do think some of the points in your post are fair comment (Although some would say politically incorrect, but then most things are these days?!) I have to say that it is rather hypocritical to say that the Europeans have been "egging them on" as it has been US foreign policy over the past couple of decades or more that have caused much of the hostilities we see now, history proves that! And to comment that "The United States is in the middle of a war where we are attempting to isolate these goons from other Muslims" is a strange comment as in fact it is the war in Iraq, instigated by the US based on "misinformation", which is at the center of current tensions in the middle-east (albeit with a little help from us brits).
Please understand that I am not anti-American - quite the reverse! There is something truely magical about your country and it's history (If I could go anywhere in the world at anytime it would have to be NYC @ Christmas!) My issue is that sometimes we all have to call a spade a spade (maybe this is just a British expression?) and be objective about these issues and understand that it is not unpatriotic to say that some of US government's policies are not necessarily in the best interest for the US people?! - It might just be fact!
Anyway, rant over. Hope I have not offended. Take care!
By Anonymous, at 8:38 PM
What specific policies has the U.S. engaged in that warrants the deaths of 3000 Americans?
We support the Jews getting land that historically has been theirs back?
Outside of that, what exactly have we done?
The fact is, Islamic radicals are fascists. It is their way or no way. "History" most certainly says that if nothing else.
By Robbe Morris, at 8:46 PM
Im not sure if you've followed the conflict in its full, and understand WHY the protest and violent reaction started in the first place.
Im from Denmark, where these cartoons were printed the first time by Jyllands Posten (danish newspaper) and have been following the situation ever since.
Newspapers in Egypt brought the news about the cartoons as early as November last year, only a few weeks after they were first printed in Jyllands Posten. The reaction at that time was NO REACTION. Not before a month later when a danish delegation consisting of a danish imam and spokesmen for the danish muslims traveled to various muslim countries and misinformed the nations about the danish people and their intentions with the cartoons. They also brought with them strongly offending drawings of muhammed, that were never brought in danish newspapers or others papers for that matter of sake. After their misinformation about the danish people the situation escalated and now we have this situation on our hands.
The cartoons are not the problem in this situation. It started with misinformation about the danish people beeing reckless making them look like muslim haters which in no way is true.
So both your case and the case of the muslims the problem is lack of information and/or mis-information.
By Anonymous, at 10:51 AM
The fact that no reaction occurred at the first printing by Jyllands Posten doesn't negate my point at all.
The first printing lacked class. People not reacting to it doesn't change that fact. Now, who is behind instances of the repeated prints in newspapers is clearly varied. Some are imams trying to stir up trouble. Others aren't who are trying to stir up trouble.
By Robbe Morris, at 9:09 AM
The reason why they didnt react was because it was of no interest and did'nt offend them at all because danish muslims know that freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights of the West.
Another thing is your way of describing the States as the one who is trying to clean up all the mess and doing the right thing.
Don't you realize, that by trying to isolate the terrorists in the east, many more inocent people are caught in the crossfire. This only gives the "sane" muslims reason to join the "bad" side and give the West many more enemies.
Please dont describe the States as the bigbrother who's always doing everything the right way. WAR and violence is never gonna be the right solution to anything, it only leaves you with more enemies at the end. And the States is not the one standing back when it comes to war.
By Anonymous, at 6:34 AM
See, if you just would have told Al Qaeda this ahead of time:
"WAR and violence is never gonna be the right solution to anything, it only leaves you with more enemies at the end."
3,000 people would not have died on 9-11. Thank god we have people like you watching out for us.
By Robbe Morris, at 9:07 AM
So what you are saying is, that war is the ONLY solution when it comes to capturing those responsible for a crime like 9-11.
My oppinion is that it only incites to more meaningless violence and more casualties. War has never brought people of different cultures and religions closer, and never will.
Please understand that i DONT see anything right in terrorist actions. But as a respons to those actions should'nt we set a good example and try to get to those responsible through diplomatic contacts instead of invading whole countries and make all of them look and fell like the enemy.
By Anonymous, at 6:32 PM
You can't possibly be serious?
Get them through diplomatic contacts?
I'll be laughing about that one for the rest of the day...
Do you seriously believe that this conflict is due to a few isolated nut cases around the world?
By Robbe Morris, at 8:10 AM
This just puts you right beside your war-loving president, if you really think that war is better than words and diplomacy. You only end up with more enemies, and in the future more terrorist actions.
Im willing to admit that sometimes there is something rotten going on in the state of Denmark, though nothing compared to the US of A. And judging from reading through your post and your comments later on, you are way to patriotic to admit if your country, or president, has done anything wrong. So discussing this would be pointless anyway.
The reason why i commentet this post in the first place was, because you referede to the whole of Europe to be in on the Muhammed Affair. Judge those responsible not all of his countrymen...
By Anonymous, at 10:02 AM
Love war? Nope. Love freedom? You bet.
This world is governed by the aggressive use of force. It always has been and always will be.
Your comments assume that our adversaries are interested in some sort of negotiation and come to a diplomatic solution. What actions have they taken that would lead you to believe such a thing?
To stay free, we have to be prepared to do what it takes. Unfortunately, that often means killing people and breaking things.
This isn't a school yard. There are no teachers to run and tell on the terrorists to. You either fight or die.
Perhaps you should review your history books for the majority of the previous century and what happens when you attempt appeasement. You'd think Europeans would have a clue about this sort of thing...
By Robbe Morris, at 9:35 PM
Please, if you want to know the truth about Islam, don't rush and jump to decisions, without going more deep.
Give yourself a chance to know. It worth your time, believe me.
Just give yourself the chance, and you are welcomed to be a better Muslim, even better than most of the current Muslims, which most of them unfortunately don't know enough about Islam.
It's all about knowledge.
It depends on you.
Focus on the core.
Be honest. It's one life, we don't live forever.
Anyone is welcomed to be a better Muslim.
Do you have the courage to take your decisions yourself?
By Anonymous, at 6:43 AM
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