Prophet Mohammad with a bomb in his turbin cartoon
"Many" Muslims protest when you draw a cartoon
lampooning their religion. In fact, many
of them go absolutely nuts over it and start
bombing buildings and killing people.
They don't protest when those who supposedly best
represent the Muslim religion kill, kidnap, imprison,
and oppress their fellow Muslims. It is also
ok to lampoon other religions. In fact, it
is flat out ok to murder those who aren't
Muslim. Ask the Jews and a few Christians
from the towers.
Do you recall seeing a Muslim protest in the United
States against Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Hamas,
Islamic Jihad, or the Taliban?
Certain morons in Europe publish a few
cartoons and now you are throwing a fit?
I've always said that you can't rationalize
with those who are irrational.
This is just one more instance that proves
my point.
All that said, the notion of lampooning
a religion shows a complete lack of "class".
In this case, being European just isn't a valid
excuse. After thousands of years of on
and off again wars with Muslims, you'd think
they'd get the hint.
There are all sorts of ways to make fun
of these murderous morons without bringing
religion into the mix. Why purposely insult
several million innocent followers when you
want to tick off a a hundred thousand or
so who aren't so innocent?
The old two wrongs don't make a right still
holds true.
Now, the Europeans are just egging them on.
The United States is in the middle of a war
where we are attempting to isolate these goons
from other Muslims. This kinda childish crap
from Europe isn't helping matters.
On a side note, my reference to Europe largely
excludes the Brits and former Soviet bloc
countries. And yes, I realize you are
providing much needed assistance in this war.
We appreciate it...