Immigration Rights Advocates Protest Proposed Laws,2933,189110,00.html
Let's get a few things straight.
1. You do not have the "right" to immigrate to the
United States anymore than I have the "right"
to set up camp in your front lawn in Mexico City.
2. Illegal immigrants are by definition criminals.
They have broken our immigration laws. If they
can't abide by immigration laws, why should they be
expected to abide by any other law?
3. They want to work hard and pay taxes to support
"their" country. Until you are a citizen, this
country is no more yours than Puerto Rico is mine.
The United States is a nation of laws. Follow law
or stay out. Your understandable desire for a better
life does not trump our laws. In the U.S., you
don't get to pick and choose which laws you want
to follow when it is convenient for you.
All of this said, immigrants who follow our immigration
laws and become legal citizens are welcome in my
book. I'd certainly share a seat with ya at
my local pub.